Free support for families experiencing low level domestic abuse

Support for people concerned about their behaviour in relationships, as well as their partners, ex-partners, and the professionals helping them
A woman looking out of the window with a serious facial expression

A new service, Make A Change (MAC), launched in Sunderland in September 2022.  It is a community-wide, early response approach to people who are concerned that they are using harmful behaviours in their intimate, or previously intimate, relationships. It was developed by Respect in partnership with Women’s Aid Federation England.

It’s delivered locally by Right Turn and the integrated support for partners and ex-partners is delivered by Wearside Women in Need (WWIN).

They offer the full range of free Make A Change services in Sunderland, including:

  • A structured 10 to 26-week programme for participants (group work or 1 to 1)
  • Proactive support to the partners and ex-partners of people referred to the service.
  • Briefings and trainings for professionals who want to strengthen their response to harmful behaviour in current or previous relationships.
  • Community outreach, including to the friends and family around relationships where harmful behaviour is happening.

Participants join a group programme (or in some cases work with Make a Change one-to-one) to work on understanding their behaviour in relationships, and receive support to make positive changes for themselves, their partner or ex-partner, and their children (if they have any). Separate, confidential support is also offered to their partner or ex-partner.

Make a Change works directly with people using harmful and controlling behaviours, while also empowering the people around them – local communities, friends, families and professionals – to see themselves as part of the solution, and to work together to address the problem.

Get in touch for support or to talk about Make a Change:

Visit the website